Tuesday 17 June 2008

Only one thing to look forwrd to now...

EXAMS are finally over..thank god!
Having given in my notice at work and finished my exams all i need to do now is sort out my holiday...i can't wait! Here i come...soon...hopefully lol i can't wait to be at th airport my favourite place in th world...i know, you may think hw can someone have an airport as their favourite place to be?
Well i doo...i told you i was different...fact is anyone who knows me well enough knows i'm crazy about airplanes and flying, travelling th whole crossing skies business =)

now all i have to do is wait =/ better said thn done...must find something to do meanwhile!

Sunday 15 June 2008

Bye Bye for now =)

finally leaving tht hell hole of a place which goes by th name work ergh. WORK! tht word mkes anyones stomach toss and turn. Anyway fortunately after a year or so i'm leaving and in a months time off on holidays away from this monotonous London life...

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Beanies =)

i've just recently discovered my new love for beanie hats, be it winter or summer, raining or scorching hot, a beanie on th right guy's head mkes my heart melt. YUM!

Sunday 8 June 2008

IndieChick at heart

My life i can honestly say, can be used for a whole new book.
A crappy and scarring childhood and having a family who would rather see you in a rut isn't exactly what i used to imagine for me when i was a little dudette. I'm from a background which isn't the thing i'm most proud of, ok ok! maybe just our football team lol. People from where my rents are originally from are loud, inviting and can throw a hell of a cheesy party but don't let their appearances fool you! They are nosey b******s! But moving off my family again! I've spent my life pretending to be someone else, not just one other completely different person but a combination of people who i thought we're what i wanted to be. I was wrong.

I've very recently learnt that i didn't need to spend the past few years of my life pretending to be someone i'm not. I'm finally standing on my two feet and thinking my own thoughts. I'm pro-indie, i like indie clothes, indie music (even though i don't rule out anything other kind of music) and INDIE BOYS! which if ind are quite hard to come across. They're like diamonds in the rough. =)

Summing myself up, i can say one thing which i find vital in anyone, i'm funnyand random..or at least i think it comes naturally with me lol

..imperfect and broken but loves to put a smile on your face..

stick around dudes!